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Live Sound Bath Performance

Date and Time for this Past Event


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For the closing of Within Others exhibition, Edge on the Square presents an experimental live sound bath by Jeffrey Yip x Macro Waves and a Tai Chi workshop by Chinatown elders on Friday, May 31, 6:00 - 7:00 pm. In the act of re-gathering, we reimagine and remember the transformative power that lies within ourselves and within others, letting the forces of collective care draw us towards each other and towards Collective Futures.

《共情時刻——Within Others》展覽即將閉幕,藝在棱角際此將於5月31日下午 6 – 7 時,呈獻 Jeffrey Yip x Macro Waves 的實驗性現場聲頻浴演出,並邀得華埠長者主持的太極工作坊。希望大家透過重新聚集,從頭想像和憶起我們與他人皆有轉化的能量,讓集體關懷之力拉近大家之間的距離,迎向《集體未來》。